Amazon Region, Peru Well #10
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Amazon Region, Peru Well #10
Amazon Region, Peru
Rescue International
Small Domestic Well & Public Water Well
Community & People
The Amazon region faces the issue of unsanitary living conditions. Although water is abundant, it is untreated and unsafe for consumption and hygeine use. As a result, water-related illnesses, some of which can be life-threatening, are common.
75% of the Amazon people live in poverty and more than half live in extreme poverty. The homes of both the urban and rural poor alike usually lack electricity or running water.
Peruvians in the cities and Amazon commonly drink from the river, bathe in the river, eat from the river and put their waste back in the river. As a result, children are routinely afflicted with parasites, dysentery, tooth decay and dengue fever. Soda is actually cheaper for them to purchase than clean water.
The well you provided is crucial in providing a sustainable source of clean water moving forward. This will bring so much hope to so many in what feels like a hopeless situation.
For each well installed a dedication ceremony was held to share the appreciation and excitement with everyone.
Your generosity has provided hope and fulfilled practical need for thousands in this region of Peru and will for years to come!
3 million lack access to
safe water
5 million are without access to improved sanitation
Human Development Rank:
77 out of 187
Population: 10 Million
Community & People
77% of Peru’s population live in urban areas and 23% live in rural areas. However, a challenge that affects both groups is water access. While 54% of households in urban areas have safe drinking water, in rural areas this proportion decreases to less than 2%.
With a population of 10 million, the world’s second-largest desert city receives only 0.3 inches of rain each year, and relies on three rivers to provide drinking water to residents.
Until recently, most children in the villages along the Amazon and Napo Rivers consumed water directly from rivers, streams and ponds, and many still do. This water contains many parasites and bacteria that cause them to become ill and malnourished.
Generosity.org is helping to overcome these challenges. Projects sponsored in Peru are a significant part of the long-term rehabilitation of this beautiful nation.